1. The new Cat-Tale: Electron 29 hit the cyberstands last week, and as anyone who has written Edward Nigma will tell you, he doesn't sit quietly in the back of your head waiting for you to finish other things before you start on his next chapter. If you don't start writing, he'll start without you. Meh.
2. Wanders Nowhere has released a new installment of his Dracula in Gotham fic Capes and Bats. Much as I want to gush, you simply will not believe me. Believe the forum: "This little tale created an imagery and gravitas in the first chapter that the graphic novel storytellers of Gotham have been trying to do for decades" "Gorgeous prose" "Masterful". 'Nuff said. Read it, just read it... in time for Halloween because we're not done yet and... Whew... *fans self* just read, trust me.
3. We're getting ready to welcome a new artist into the fan art gallery, and that requires a little more work backstage than a busy girl could want in the midst of #1, 2, and 4.
4. EBOOKS! Yes, the new ePub format is going to make mobile readers very happy and it's also given me an opening to redo the printable pdfs and kindle documents so we have some consistency. Win-win, but it's the sort of thing where the first few will take a while, but taking the time to do them RIGHT will make everything go much smoother down the line. In that spirit of doing it right, I want to give the individual story pdfs their own covers. Right now, they use the square ones from the website and it's okay but the images are not made for the medium and it shows. Now, I don't plan to do this for all the tales, but Cat-Tale #1 is, of course, a special case. So I have 4 possible covers up, and I am opening it up for a vote. Please don't worry about the words of the title "A Girl's Gotta Protect Her Reputation." They will be placed better on the final image, whichever it is to be. Just vote for your favorite image.
Chris Dee
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