Monday, January 25, 2010

This Week in Cat-Tales

I guess if I’m going to be making these posts on Mondays instead of Fridays, they should be “Last week in Cat-Tales”, but we may as well continue as we’ve begun.  You all know the mantra: it’s not a mistake, it’s feline quirkiness. 

I was really pleased that I could post the chat transcript on schedule.  I was finishing up a big laptop migration at the same time, and it was touch and go for a while if this machine would be open for business with all the web applications.  Happy endings all around there.  If I can just get one more program working with a certain piece of hardware the way that it should, I can be completely mobile on one ‘puter again.  This nonsense of being spread over 2+ laptops and a desktop has been going on since last August, and I’ve seriously had enough of it.  Every time I see that ad for Carbonite that says “You don’t realize how much of your life is tied up on one computer,” I think how I would LOVE to have that problem again.

But back to the Tales.  Don’t Fear the Joker has launched, HAHAHAHAHAAAA! And the response has been amazing.  Any time there is an event story like Do No Harm, there is that concern that there will be a letdown.  No fear of that where Smilin’ Jack is involved. 

Broke ground on Chapter 2 this weekend, finally, and got the best email from a long-time reader I haven’t heard from in a while.  Their commentary on Riddle Me-Tropolis left me in stitches.  Hm… must return their email, and get some real progress made on chapter 2.  I guess I better get a move on.  Happy Monday, everybody.

Chris Dee

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