Monday, December 13, 2010

Gift ideas to make her purr

'Tis the season.  If you're shopping for someone with a Cat-Tales sensibility (and aren't the undisclosed buyer of the Platinum Panther Cuff from the Duchess of Windsor's Cartier collection) then you may want to consider one of the following gift ideas for those of us without the use of Bruce Wayne's Amex:

A Christmas Miracle:  DC gets it right.  It took them more than 10 years to offer the right costume AND the right attitude, but here she is, from DC Direct: A Classic Catwoman with the Jim Balent costume and a true naughty grin.  If your comic shop is like mine, they were promised waaay back in August, but we have assurances that they are finally here in December, just in time to make your cat-lover purr.

Then there's the Sony MicroVault, as featured in Cat-Tales  It's Selina's very own solution to the bleeding edge Bat-Tech in CT#52: Vault, and it's also the best little flash-drive you will ever own.  The original,available here, had some compatibility issues, so the next generation might be a better choice.  Either way, there is more than enough room to pack even the smallest purple drive with the complete Cat-Tales Collection of Ebooks. 

If you're fond of another aspect of the Catverse, consider the inspiration for so much of the Catitat in Selina's favorite show: Big Cat Diary.  The 2-DVD set is Region 2, so if you're in the U.S. you need the ability to unlock foreign regions on your player.  There are a number of other options, including Video on Demand and an old-fashioned hardcoverbook.  (Yes, they still sell those at Amazon. I was surprised too.)

And finally, if you can't find just the right image - you can always commission it.  Dustin Nguyen is one of hundreds of magnificently talented artists who can create images of unspeakable beauty.  If they're pros, you might never know the "unspeakably beautiful" part by what they produce for DC.  They may have a purring purple soul.  You'll never know until you ask.

Chris Dee

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