Monday, January 10, 2011

The Week in Cat-Tales

Quick one today, because it's going to be a busy week. Trophies, the tale that was teased at the end of Electron 29, is well underway, but a surprise one-shot came out instead last week: CT #62: A Bon Chat, Bon Rat which chronicles a Bruce and Selina adventure in Paris (also teased at the end of Electron 29). The title is a French proverb that is used in the sense of "tit for tat" but which translates literally as: "For every cat, a rat."

Now, for those who asked, this was not ever intended to be a Christmas surprised which I didn't get out in time. I do like putting out a Christmas chapter every few years if the timing works out, like the one in Not My Kink. But on the whole, I figure we all have other things to keep us occupied at that time of year. Bon Chat has nothing to do with Christmas, other than in the most subtextual way: Cartier, Paris plays a big role and of course Cartier, Gotham is a pivotal location in Bruce and Selina's relationship, going back to that first Christmas encounter in Cattitude. So there might be some subconscious associations at work, but only Feline Logic would declare that a Christmas tale. What it is is... a snack. Sometimes we all enjoy sitting down to a big elaborate meal, but more often, we want a yummy little bite. A light snack. Bon Chat is a light snack.

Another yummy tidbit...

Joker has set up a Ha-Hacienda in the Cat-Tales Visitor Center in Second Life. You know Batman isn't going to let that remain for long. The Hacienda will be up for ONE WEEK ONLY. Come see it now, or Harley will pout.

Chris Dee

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P.S. No, I did not see The Cape yet. That pesky real life thing again. I will catch the pilot once it's posted on NBC's website, and for there is already a thread in the CT forum. See you there.